Initial Operations and Maintenance

Key Issue: Advanced Reactor Operations and Maintenance Functions Cost Parity

Much of a nuclear plant is not different from other thermal plants. After accepting some increase in costs for the nuclear specific aspects, cost parity with those other thermal plants for the non-nuclear SSCs can be achieved. The key challenge is that nuclear has special requirements which are ingrained into the culture of the nuclear industry and the thought of reductions in O&M requirements will fundamentally change the concept of what it means to operate a nuclear power plant.




On Track

Reduce operating and maintenance costs to a level similar to other thermal plants:
1) Perform a gap analysis of all operations functions for the existing fleet will be performed and compared to other thermal plants to determine what design and/or regulation changes are needed to drive towards cost parity. A long term plan to address these gaps will developed.
2) AR designs shall limit the number of safety related and other regulated SSCs.
3) Determine how to eliminate or minimize all engineering programs and nuclear specific support organizations that exist in the current fleet

Action Owner: NGOs, Developers

Need Date:

  • NGOs, 2026
  • Developers, before significant design completion