Workforce Development

Action Completion


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Overall Resolution Of Key Issues


Resolution On Track


Issues Resolved

Key Issue: Site Selection and Evaluation

The site selection process requires the collection of significant safety and environmental information and detailed analysis that must be supplied to the NRC to support an applicant’s siting decision. A site must meet NRC regulatory requirements for construction and operation (that is, requirements related to site suitability and radiological health and safety). An applicant also must comply with environmental review requirements under NEPA and 10 CFR Part 51 for the consideration of alternative sites. Some requirements might be outdated or inapplicable due to advancements in reactor technologies and analytical methods as well as expected new non-electric applications of advanced reactors (such as process heat).





Develop guidance for site selection and evaluation: The guidance will focus on simplifying and streamlining the site selection and site suitability evaluation processes for advanced reactors, including reactors that might be sited on former coal-fired power plant sites.

Action Owner : NEI, CNA, EPRI
Need Date: